Monday, November 7

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 7

I am thankful for a lazy morning.

It has been hectic the last few months days.  I love busy, but this has been a whole new ball game, and the learning curve has been quite steep.  Today, the weather was cold (for us at least - 60 degrees), and kind of cloudy.  It was the perfect morning to take a deep breath, relax, and snuggle with A.  We spent the morning napping, cuddling, and my favorite, reading.  I have always loved reading, and now that I work in education, I understand how important early literacy and developing a love of books at a young age is.  Fortunately, A. seems to love books already too!

These are his current favorites.

And yes, that is a pile of dirty laundry on the floor in the right hand corner.  But what is a lazy morning for if not to play hooky and ignore all of the things that you "should be doing".

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